Thursday, October 03, 2013

East Coast in September, Part I

A few months ago, I received an invitation for a surprise bridal shower in New York for talented illustrator friend Lisa Anchin.  Originally planning an October trip to DC, I advanced it to September to attend the shower and took a train to DC instead, all of which turned out to be a blast.

The surprise bridal shower was held in a farm in Queens.
Beautiful decorations by Lisa's talented and wonderful family and friends.

Lisa demonstrated her latent ability with the hula hoop.

Weather could not have been more perfect.

The following day was spent hanging out in Lisa's studio.  Lisa was 100% focused and prolific, while I busied myself drinking tea, playing with Bisous the Cat, and daydreaming.  (And drawing sporadically.)

Me, taking over a corner of Lisa's studio

Day 2: I visited my agent's agency and met her talented, diligent staffs, followed by touring the NYPL's special exhibit on picture books.

Completely inspirational & educational.

Japanese noodles for dinner at a swanky restaurant.

Day 3:  Breakfast with editor Nancy Inteli and art director Martha Rago of HarperCollins.  Both were extremely wonderful, encouraging and affable.  I most definitely look forward to working with both of them. :)

With that, I left beautiful New York to DC.  This vibrant city is forever captivating and stimulating; I look forward to seeing the city soon again.

A part of the Berlin wall in New York!  Thanks for showing me around town, Lisa!


Debbie Ridpath Ohi said...

Looks like you had a fantastic trip, Maple. Thanks for sharing! :-) (and I love your NYC drawing)

Maple Lam said...

Thanks, Debbie! By chance, I was at Lisa's place the day your beautiful illustration arrived in the mail (as well as Juana's). Both yours and Juana's pieces are SO LOVELY!!!