Friday, November 11, 2011

Inspiration -- Mike Perry

Attended a Mike Perry presentation last night at Art Center.

I must say... Wowwwww...

He truly has a sense of color, and the pieces he created are filled with energy and FUN FUN FUN. At the end of the night, all I wanted to do is to rush home and draw like there is no tomorrow. (I did... Inspiration called. Gotta seize the moment.)

Here are some quotes during the talk:

• "Freedom comes from the ability to trust your guts and do things instinctively."

• "A lot of people don't care. Don't be them. Care! Just... Care!!!"

• "The best way to do it (break into the industry) is to GO FOR IT."

• "You have to constantly remind people that you exist. Talk to people. Communicate. Be a member of the creative world."

Thanks, Mike, for caring and for inspiring. :)

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