Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Once Upon A Pancake Breakfast

Once upon my middle school years, we had an annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser in school. I was a 6th grader, and it was my first American Pancake fundraiser ever. Everything was an eye opener for me -- from the whole school being there on a weekend morning, all with families and friends, to the line of olds and youngs waiting to get their pancakes and scrabbling for the free sausage coupons. The experience is something I secretly cherish. One of those that leaves a feathery mark on me.

If I were to design a poster for the Pancake Breakfast, it would have to be extremely economical, as it is a fundraiser. Chances are, any school event notices would be printed on a black and white copy machine, and color is not an option. (Unless you use a color paper to begin with, which I should explore as a separate project.)

Perhaps, one day, I will get to work on a similar project. For now, I will reminisce the good old days. Ah, the smell of the sweet syrup...

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